Apple TV+ Slumberkins, An Apple Original
Unicorn’s Box of Big Ideas

Episode Three | Story One

Unicorn’s Box of Big Ideas

It’s Unicorn’s turn to pick a game, and she has so many great ideas! But when Fox and Bigfoot prefer to play something else, her feelings get hurt.

The Story Explores

Hurt Feelings | Friendship Skills | Confidence

Children learn that when our friends want to play different games than we do, they can still be our friends.

Bring the lessons to life!

Here are a few questions that can help you and your child connect with the story more deeply:

  • Understand It: How did Unicorn feel when her friends didn’t want to play her games?
  • Apply It: Have you ever wanted to play a different game than your friend?
  • Pro Tip: While it can be tempting to give children friendship advice, it’s more effective to ask questions. When children talk and reflect, they learn to problem solve all on their own!

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“When I play with my friends, we don't agree all the time. I'm still true to myself, and I let my light shine.”


Bigfoot's Family Ukulele

Episode Three | Story Two

Bigfoot's Family Ukulele

Bigfoot’s dad gives Bigfoot a ukulele that has been in the family for generations. When Bigfoot accidentally breaks it, he’s afraid to tell his dad what happened in case he never forgives him.

The Story Explores

Making Mistakes | Guilt | Shame

Children learn that they are still lovable even when they make mistakes.

Bring the lessons to life!

Here are a few questions that can help you and your child connect with the story more deeply:

  • Understand It: How do you think Bigfoot felt when he had to tell his dad that he broke the family ukulele?
  • Apply It: Can you think of a time you felt like Bigfoot? What was that like?
  • Pro Tip: Let your children know that you will always love and care for them, no matter what. This can help them build a deep sense of self-worth.

Explore More Resources:

“Accidents happen, and we all make mistakes. But the love in our hearts will never break.”